Corbett School District has three school buses for sale that you may bid on. Sealed written bids will be accepted until Monday, June 11, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. P.D.T. in the District Office at the Corbett Middle School. Minimum bid is $1,000 on each school bus or best offer. Physical and mailing address is: 35800 E Historic Columbia River Highway, Corbett OR 97019
Bus #5 – 1990 GMC 8.2 L diesel engine, automatic transmission, 35 passenger school bus
Bus#9 – 1986 Bluebird All American 8 cylinder diesel engine, automatic transmission, 86 passenger school bus
Bus #16 – 1986 Chevrolet Bluebird, automatic transmission, 65 passenger school bus
The equipment is available for viewing at the Corbett Grade School parking lot.
For more information contact Todd Williams, Transportation Supervisor at 503-261-4265.
The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids or postpone final consideration.