Classroom Update – 11/16

News brought to you by the students in Mrs. Chiu’s Classroom…..


For the past five weeks,  Mrs.Chiu’s class has been working on drama skills, like using voices, imagination, and how to use bodies to create the setting. On November 16, 2018, Mrs. Chiu’s class performed their skits in front of their Buddies. Skits were about people getting picked on at recess or lunch like that.Mrs.Chiu’s classes buddies performed their skits as well.their little buddy’s did skits about animals being kind to each other. Aspen says, ”I really enjoyed this topic and i really hope we do this again”.this is Kian & Aspen reporting from corbett grade school with the class update have a great day!!.

Mrs. O’s Ukulele Performance by Joe & Audrey

This week Mrs. O’s music and movement class Had a fall community dance with ukuleles and singing! Mrs,          O Reported “the students did a fantastic job on adding interesting little skits between playing the ukuleles. My personal favorite was the blowing like a train.”

Gratitude Trees By Bella & Masen

This week, the class started to do gratitude trees for Thanksgiving. Ms. Chiu gets a cup of long pieces of paper, and she chooses a student to pick a long piece of paper, and it says a thing that you enjoy, or something you are  thankful for, or something you think is beautiful. Then you write that thing on a tiny piece of paper, and then you hang it on a tree. Also, there is a different tree for every table. This is Ms. Chius interview about gratitude trees: “I think, having a grateful heart has many benefits, it helps us to be more positive, and build better relationships. Practicing gratitude is an important skill.”

Gentle Reminders by Brooklyn, Brenna, & Logan

Having reminders to check your email, instagram, classroom updates is always a good idea. Because then you know what is going on in our classroom! Another idea is, we are still collecting box tops for our school so remember bring in those box tops!

  • Remind your children to bring their instruments to school everyday.   
  • Also, remember to do your math  homework assigned by math teachers, (if needed.)
  • Try your best to do reflex and/or ixl,
  • Practice spelling words when your teacher assigns you to. Maybe put a sticky note on your backpack?
  • Upcoming events:  On 11/21-11/23, we do not have school because of, thanksgiving break.
  • Highlights:  and a special thank you to all the volunteers for helping out in ms. chius classroom each week.
  • One more thing, we are learning how to be a drama student, and cartographers

Newspaper By Jay & Tucker

In November, students in Mrs. Chiu’s class started journalism. Here are some other thoughts on journalism, Kian said, “It is fun and we should do it some more.”

Aspen said, “I like it because we can express our feelings.” Those are some thoughts about journalism from classmates.

The teacher set students up with a slide that looks like a newspaper that we have worked on in the past few days. Students also got their photos taken as a journalists.  

The Columbian Exchange by Ruth & ViVi  

In mrs. chiu’s classroom Ruth and Vivi observed  students from corbett grade school learning where to to put plants, animals and food between the two continents Europe and America. This is called the Columbian Exchange. During this time students were sketching and coloring items to put on the map. Once student were  all done, Mrs. Chiu called them down to the carpet and then they guessed were the items went, Europe or America. Then Mrs. Chiu told us were they actually went. Anna said, “I really liked guessing where things went.” Some of the students were surprised and others were not as surprised as others. This is how our session went. It was very enjoyable.

Flag Football by Shaelyn & Kaleb

In November, Ms. Chiu’s class has been playing flag football in PE. The class has four different teams called great masen, husky, unicorns, susha eating penguins. On are second game of flag football great masens got two touchdown so did huskey. After that one game on november 16th we played a flag football game. Great masen and susha eating penguins tied 0-0.

Little jokes for your family:

Why did the football coach go the the bank

To get his quarterback

cARTography update by Jackson & Tanner

In this unit students have been studying cartography. Students have plotted points such as iceland, bass strait and tip of vietnam. Students then drew lines to connect them on a piece of paper. At this point students have carbon copied them. This is a very fun subject and students are loving it. Joe Pailthorp said, “Cartography is very enjoyable and fun to learn.” Students now know the names of the continents and some resources, about longitude and latitude, map distortion, absolute location, and prime meridian. If you are wanting to know what these are just ask your kids they know!