Results from November 19th Community Reception by Randy Trani

On November 19th the Board hosted a community reception and collected feedback about five options they are considering for the bond.  The Board shared the following information about the five options.

2016 Bond Planning Information: copier@corbett.k12.or.us_20151204_154246

The Board also shared a list of Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to Bond issues.

Those FAQ’s can be seen here: copier@corbett.k12.or.us_20151204_155013

Finally, the Board shared an interactive poll with the audience members.  Each member was able to vote on a series of questions pertaining to the bond options #1-5.  The results of those polls are shown here.

November 19th poll Results: copier@corbett.k12.or.us_20151204_155334

Finally the Board will be hosting another community reception on December 16th at 6:00 PM in the MPB!  The Details Follow: