
In the Corbett School District, we believe that state-required and national assessments are valuable tools for understanding how well our students are learning and growing. State tests provide insight into how we compare to other districts across Oregon, while national assessments help us gauge where we stand on a broader, national scale. 

The Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) provides Corbett School District with a comprehensive evaluation tool that assesses the overall effectiveness of its educational systems, rather than focusing solely on individual student performance. For Corbett students, OSAS offers a standardized measure of academic achievement, helping to highlight their strengths and areas that may need additional support. 

Our district uses the results from these assessments to make informed decisions about what is working well and where we can improve. By focusing on both state and national assessments, we aim to enhance the overall school experience and ensure that every student in Corbett has the opportunity to succeed.

2024-25 Annual Notice for Oregon’s Statewide Summative Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics 

Why State Testing Participation Matters to Families

Why State Testing Participation Matters to Students

Starting Smarter Oregon State Test Guide for Parents

Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) Resources

Oregon ELA/Math Opt Out

Science Opt Out

Seed Survey Opt Out

State Assessment Opt-Out Process

In June of 2015, House Bill 2655 was signed into law and gave families the ability to opt-out of state assessments for English Language Arts and Math for any reason, not just disability or religion. Opt-out requests for any other state assessments must still be due to religious beliefs or disabling conditions. We encourage families to participate in the Oregon State Assessment System.

Our state assessments are the best available assessment to measure students’ progress toward grade-level proficiency on State Standards. Assessment results help our schools and districts compare our performance to others across the state and nation. Students will need to take assessments throughout their lives. If we do not have 95% participation in Oregon State Assessments, our district risks losing federal funding.

Families who want to opt students out of Science need to  complete the opt-out form, explain their rationale, and provide an alternative learning activity. Families who want to opt students out of taking the Language Arts and Math tests need to fill out the state provided opt-out form and leave with the administrator they are meeting with.