First day of high school of 9th graders by Phil Pearson

The first day of school for 9th graders is almost here! We will be hosting the 9th graders and interested parents of 9th graders here on campus Monday, August 29th from 7:55 to 12:30. Here’s our agenda:


Time Activity Location
8:00 to 8:30 Coffee and pastry MPB
8:30 to 9:00 Parent Q and A MPB
9:00 to 9:15 Pick up student schedules HS Commons
9:15 to 10:55 Follow schedules in 15 minute time intervals (see schedule on back page) HS classrooms
10:55 to 11:10 Pick up studentVUE and parentVUE login sheets, raffle prizes HS Commons
11:10 to 11:50 In small groups, students are helped with studentVUE and school email login, Q and A with student representatives HS classrooms
11:50 to 12:30 Lunch MPB
12:30 Depart – See you tomorrow!


We look forward to meeting all of you and getting the school year off to a great start!