Help Save the Springdale Play Shed! by Randy Trani


Corbett School District is remodeling the Springdale School property and completing necessary renovation to preserve and maintain the facility. Our specific task is to raise funds for the “Playshed”- site of numerous community events and outdoor shelter for the school kids.  We are halfway to our goal of remodeling the Playshed this year for safe use and could use your help!

Every financial gift and hour of volunteer time is meaningful to this campaign.  SSCA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Sponsorship Levels for Capitol Campaign:  Brick by Brick Approach

Friends $100 – $150
·  4 x 8 inches—standard size        Up to 3 lines of text     $100

·  8 x 8 inches—standard size        Up to 7 lines of text     $150

·  Recognition in annual newsletter and on website

Additional levels of support are honored with specific recognition.  If you are interested in supporting this vital community project, please contact Rebecca Gandy, SSCA Board President, for details and brick order forms.  (503)- 753-4267 or

Thank you!