This weekend Mr Dunton posted an update regarding college counseling services CCS is going to make available to all Corbett high school students. That’s fantastic, and it dovetails very nicely with my next several announcements.
First, the space on the south side of the middle school commons – the office once occupied by Mrs. Schneider – is being transformed into a college and career information center. It will be staffed Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour before school, an hour after school, and during the high school lunch hour for ANY high school student who wants to keep help on SAT test prep, college essay help, scholarship help, or help with the college application process. Mrs. Duprey, whose previous work included college and career counseling, will be be in charge of the career center.
Second, Pat Lucas and Deb Ballard are busily putting together a informational scholarship meeting for Corbett HS students. This meeting will occur on a Friday in the very near future, so watch the website for updates.
Lasty (for now) Corbett is purchasing licenses for College Board’s new online SAT prep course for every junior and sophomore in the high school. Mr. Dunton already announced that CCS intended to make this purchase as well, meaning that every junior and sophomore in the high school will have access to official College Board SAT test prep materials.
All of these efforts – whether initiated by CCS or CSD – are intended to augment one another and not to compete. Think of it as a growing menu of options for Corbett students to choose from as they begin to plan for life after high school.