If your child is returning to first through fifth grades they are automatically rolled over as registered for the upcoming school year. If you have a new kindergarten student and have already turned in a registration packet, then you are already registered for the upcoming school year. You do not need to fill out a new packet before school begins. If you are new to the district in grades K-5 you can pick up a registration packet at the Corbett Grade School beginning August 17th from 8am – 4pm when the office reopens. Students that are beginning school for the first time (kindergarteners) will need an official copy of their birth certificate and immunization records.
The main campus grade school will mail families information regarding classroom assignments and navigating the start of the school year. Look for the mailings to arrive by August 24th. The first day of school for grades kindergarten, third, sixth, freshman and seniors is August 31st until 12:30. All students attend beginning September 1st.