Week 1 – WE DID IT!    We made new friends, got very messy with the paints, built free standing structures, read some great books, and learned our daily routines.   I’d like to thank the 1st grade returning students for the mentorship they provided to our new friends this week. I’d also like to compliment our new incoming students for their bravery.  Jumping into the unknown can be intimidating.

If you’re curious…The most commonly asked question this week was,  “when do we eat again?”

If you have yet to turn in the paperwork you picked up at back to school bbq , please turn it in early next week.  Email me with any question, concerns,  photo’s of your adventurous weekend, etc. Don’t hesitate!  I’m off on a climbing trip for the long weekend so if you email me, I’ll get back to you on Monday when I return.  Have a great Labor Day weekend. See you Tuesday.
Have fun out there!
Mrs B