Mrs. Young Class News – Sept. 7

Hello families~

Here is a quick run-down of this week:


  • We continued working on filling out our reading logs completely
  • Writing well about reading
  • Building stamina
  • Choosing “just right” books
  • Scholastic News ~ Lava on Hawaii and it’s impact


  • We continued our personal narratives
  • Writers learned how to dream the dream of their story
  • Editing for punctuation, complete sentences and fluency
  • Telling their story by zooming in to keep their audiences attention


  • Making observations of salt crystals that we created from evaporating water from salt
  • Develop a procedure to separate a dry mixture of gravel, salt and powder and the teams were very successful in their challenge.

Genius Hour:

  • A wonderful opportunity to foster curious minds. Please ask your child what they researched today.


  • By Monday, you should have received an email from your child’s math teacher.


  • Thanks for the $5 contribution to help pay for the costs of the supplies.
  • I am looking for parents to help with tie-dying our t-shirts next Thursday. I am looking for a few volunteers. I have not decided if it will be in the am or pm until know if I have volunteer.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.