Wallace Letter 9/17-9/20

Dear Families,

Things you need to know

  • Readers have a reading log that is due Monday September 24th. These logs are a way to keep track of their reading both at school and at home.
  • Field Trip to Oxbow Park on Monday September 24th to create land art. If you have not filled out a permission slip, please do so at this link:  Oxbow Park Permission Slip . Please have your child wear tennis shoes and bring a light jacket to school in case it is raining.
  • I have created a volunteer schedule for everyone who wants to come into the classroom to volunteer to sign up on. We are looking for volunteers at these specific times, but if you can come a different time of day, just let us know on the document what works for you. We would be happy to have you!  Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13acwSw9lfXNBk493LLZXO47WwxpgN8AlaSbLwkD7dVk/edit?usp=sharing

Writing: Personal Narratives

  • Writers typed their personal narrative stories about a small moment this week!
  • We learned about how to assess a personal narrative by editing a 5th graders small moment story.
  • Some writers had one-on-one conferences to discuss what they can work on, to further develop their writing. I will be conferencing with the other writers next week to discuss their writing.
  • Please encourage your child to work on their personal narratives at home on their google account.

Reading: Writing About Reading

  • Readers focused on elements of fiction (setting, plot, and characters).
  • Readers practiced citing evidence to support identifying the elements of fiction.
  • Readers spent time determining the theme of a fiction story and giving a reason to support the choice.

Science: Mixtures and Solutions

  • Investigators were challenged to create an investigation by developing a hypothesis and procedure to discover the solubility of citric acid in water.
  • We developed observations, data, conclusions, and analysis after conducting the experiment.

Art: Landform Art

  • Artists were given 2 different landform artists to write about and draw a piece of their art work in preparation for our field trip on Monday!
  • Please encourage your child to go outside and create land art. Take a picture and send it with me so your child can share it on Monday.
McKenna Peterson