Young’s Newsletter 9/17-9/20

Hello families! I hope you had a wonderful week and are ready for a great weekend! Here is a quick run-down of our week.

Things you need to know:

  • Field Trip to Oxbow Park to create land art~ Monday 9/24
    • Thank you Dulsanna, Zoe, Todd and Chanelle for chaperoning. We will be loading buses at 11:35 OR you can meet us at picnic area A.
    • Please keep an eye on the weather so your child can be prepared (coat vs sweatshirt).
    • Please have your child wear tennis shoes.
  • Reading logs are due Monday

Reading: Writing about Reading

  • Please remind your child that their weekly reading homework is to read for 20-30 minutes at least 4 times a week and record it on their reading log.
  • Focus on literary elements
    • Mountain Plot: a series of events that make up the story
      • Beginning~ (character(s), setting and problem introduced
      • Rising action~ The characters work on solving the problem
      • Climax~ The high point of the story
      • End Resolution~ Character(s) usually learn something

Writing: Personal Narratives

  • Writers typed their personal narrative stories about a small moment this week!
  • Some writers had one-on-one conferences to discuss what they can work on, to further develop their writing.
  • I will be conferencing with other writers next week to discuss their writing.
  • Please encourage your child to work on their personal narratives at home on their google account.

Science: Mixtures and Solutions

  • Investigators were challenged to create an investigation by developing a hypothesis and procedure to discover the solubility of citric acid in water.
  • We developed observations, data, conclusions, and analysis after conducting the experiment.

Art: Landform Art

  • Artists were given 2 different landform artists to write about and draw a piece of their art work in preparation for our field trip on Monday!
  • Please encourage your child to go outside and create land art. Take a picture and send it me so your child can share it on Monday morning.

Thanks for having such wonderful kiddos and I wish all of you a wonderful weekend.