What is going on with Mrs. Young’s Awesome Class?

Dear Families,
Things you need to know:
Wednesday morning many students had questions regarding the incident on Tuesday. I gave the kiddos an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings. We discussed our school being a safe place. Our class realized how adults in our community were watching out for them. Thanks to Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Corbett Fire Department, Corbett Citizens Patrol and other community members.
  • I was very proud of all the joggers today! Everyone really pushed themselves to meet their goal.
  • Our goal is for each child to raise $50 through donations
  • Our annual Jog-a-Thon is the PTA’s only fundraiser for the school year. Funds raised go to purchasing technology, classroom books, field trips and other classroom needs.
  • To donate online please visit: https://www.pledgestar.com/corbettpta/

Conferences~ If you have not had a chance to sign up for conferences, please click on the link below and sign up!  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c4dadaf2fa3f94-fall3

Reading logs~
  • Readers have a reading log that is due Monday October 1st. These logs are a way to keep track of their reading both at school and at home.

Congratulations to the Rockin’ Readers of the Week! Aiden, Ian, Dottie, Jackson, Ella, Sayvin, Gabriella, Shayla and Hennessey! How does your child become Rockin’ Reader? Please ask your child.

Reading: Writing About Reading~

  • Readers focused on summarizing a story and sticking to the important parts of the story.
  • Readers practiced summarizing a book they were reading by using “somebody, wanted, but, so, then”
  • Readers increased their stamina of reading their book in class to 30 minutes this week!
  • Conferences will be happening the week of October 15th. If you have not signed up for a spot yet, please sign up on the document or send me an email about a time/date that would be more convenient for you! Conferences Fall 2018
Writing: Personal Narratives~
  • Writers continue to draft personal narrative stories, a small moment from their life, revise and edit.
  • We continued to have mini-group conferences about their personal narrative writing focusing on individual goals. We will continue to have these conferences next week.
  • We explored our writing organization by using a personal narrative story by Ralph Fletcher as our mentor text. The main focus was paragraph usage.
Art: Landform Art~
  • Artists went to Oxbow park to create their own landform art and created art pieces at the river and in the forest.
  • Photos are soon to come!!!
History: First Americans~
  • Explorers discovered the migration pattern of the first Americans from Eurasia.