Mrs. Young’s Newsletter

Hello Families! Here is a quick run-down of what we did this week:
Aztec and Incan Empire~ Ask your child about these amazing cultures
Drafting our Feature Article supporting paragraphs and developing scenic leads to draw in our audience
Non-Fiction book studies. Ask your child what they have been reading about and to teach you three cool facts that they have learned.
Activities Before Winter Break:

-Thursday, December 20 will be our last day before our Winter Break. School resumes on Monday, January 7, 2019!

-Ugly Holiday sweater contest will be this Thursday.

-Canned Food Drive~ Our class is participating in our annual Canned Food Drive. Please send any extra food that you can donate. We are also needing other supplies such as: toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, etc. December 19 will be the final day before items are boxed up.  We are hoping that we can line the hall on both sides from the west commons to the east commons. All food and supplies collected will be donated to Corbett families.