Room 15 News: April 1-4

Hello Families–Spring is definitely in full swing, with sunshine one minute and downpours the next!  Here’s what we were up to in class this week, and some things students can work on at home:

Writer’s Workshop:  With all the rain this weekend, this would be a good time for your child to log in to their Google account and work on their Dino slideshow!  We have been working on these slideshows in class, but all students could benefit from logging in this weekend to add to their information (by researching more info from books or online), edit for spelling and punctuation, add text features such as pictures, graphs or fun fact boxes. 
Most students should have brought home their blue writing folder that has their dino notes and Google login info inside.  Next week will be our last week to finish up our slideshow in class.  Google account login follows the format below–if you need me to send your child’s password please let me know!
Reading Workshop:  We have one more week left of our informational unit, and then we will begin a new unit focused on fairy tales, fables, and fantasy!  Students will be reading fairytales from different countries around the world, and also writing fairy tales!  During independent reading time in class we are working on focusing on reading one chapter book at a time and paying attention to story elements as we read.  This will be fun with fairy tales!
Scholastic Book Order:  Just a reminder that I will be submitting our class book order on April 10th, so books will be sent home by April 18.
Smarter Balanced Testing:  We are starting our Smarter Balanced testing on Monday–3rd graders will complete the Math portions of the Smarter Balanced tests during math class.  All 2nd graders will work on regular lessons during this time.  Please make sure your child gets good sleep and has a healthy lunch to help them do their best work!
Gorge Studies:  Students created fossils this week using clay and Plaster of Paris, we will excavate them next week to see what we find!  Thanks to all the families who sent in shoe boxes for our Dino Dioramas that we will build this coming week!  I think we might have enough, but if you have any to send in this week feel free to!  Students are welcome to bring in materials for their dioramas such as found nature items, cool rocks, plastic scenery or any craft items they like!  I will have a lot of materials available at school as well 🙂

Jen DiMaggio

2nd and 3rd Grade Teacher
Corbett Grade School
Upcoming School Events:
April 8-25: Smarter Balanced Testing in Class (1 hour per day for 3rd graders only/2nd graders will have an alternate activity)
May 3rd: Friday School (5-Day School Week)
May 15th – JetBoats Field Trip – Permission slip coming this week!
May 27th: No School, Memorial Day
May 29th: Portfolio Night, 4-8pm
May 31st: Last Day of School, Half-Day