Lines for Life has recently launched a COVID-19 Emotional Support Line that is also being tapped to receive calls regarding the wildfires. Callers do not have to be in crisis to utilize this line and access supportive listening, compassion, and connection to resources. This line is 24/7 and the number is 855-238-8644 (non-800-number version is 503-575-3761)
The YouthLine is a teen-to-teen support and crisis helpline for youth. Students in your district can text, call, chat, or email with us from 4-10PM every day of the week. Visit for more information. YouthLine is operational throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Student Suicide Assessment Line is available Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-4:30PM, to assist with student suicide assessments and safety planning at 503-575-3760. School staff can also call this line for consultation.
The Oregon Family Support Network has a supportive helpline available for parents of children that are experiencing mental health concerns. On this line, parents can speak with other parents that have gone through similar challenges. Find more information at