The Corbett School District is pleased to announce that we will be able to complete the remainder of the school year without any more furlough days. The cuts to programming that the School Board has enacted throughout the year coupled with a positive May revenue adjustment for the 2009-10 school year by the Oregon Department of Education have made it possible to reinstate all of the remaining school days.
Reinstating the days also reinstates the District’s original school year calendar. Some important dates to make note include: Graduation will take place May 30th. Portfolio night for Corbett School grades K-5 will take place on June 1st. Eighth grade promotion will take place on June 2nd. The last day of school for all students will be June 3rd. Release times for the last day of school will be communicated closer to the end of the year.
The District understands that the uncertainty regarding the end of the school year has been difficult for families and staff. Corbett Schools District appreciates your continued support.