Dear DQ Bus Families, we are needing to make some modifications to the DQ bus schedules.
First, we are moving departure time from the DQ parking lot up 5 minutes. Please have your student to the bus parking lot not latter than 7:20, buses will depart at 7:25.
Second, in the afternoon DQ #1, and DQ#2 will drop off at the West end covered walkway first. Then, after DQ #1 and DQ#2 have pulled away from the curb DQ# and DQ #4 will pull up to the same curb. This will relieve congestion at the drop off area.
Third, to address congestion issues we would like all cars to enter and exit the DQ parking lot only off of Stark Street. Buses will enter and extir the parking lot off of Troutdale road.
Finally, it appears that we will be able to let more students ride the bus. Nancy Gyerko will be contacting families on the waiting list as space become available.
Randy Trani