Calling parents of freshman by Phil Pearson

Calling all parents and families of 9th grade Corbett students.  We will be having the first parent group meeting for the Class of 2018 on Tuesday, October 21, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the MPB.  The primary purpose of this group is to help our kids (and us families) successfully transition through the next 4 years, culminating in a fantastic senior year.  We plan to accomplish this by serving as a resource for families, students and the school.  The group is just getting started so even though our essential function is fund-raising activities and senior events our group has the potential to be more than that.  We would like to set up a helpful and useful communication and support system so that all the 9th grade families have a resource to access for information and assistance.

Bring your ideas for:

1. Resources you would like to see the group provide.
2. Activities you would like to see for the Freshman class in 2014..perhaps to include a post-AP testing celebration and or a fun end-of-year get away.
3. Fundraising.

We have already started putting together a parent/family database for easy communication and are in the process of establishing a Facebook page for our
group.  If you know someone who has not signed up for the group bring them to the meeting.   We hope that everyone will attend the meeting and meet other parents of the Freshman class.  If you are not able to attend please pass your contact information on to Heidi at the email below so you can be added to the contact list.

Group Organizers:

Heidi Moritz (
Julie Murphy (
Tami Larsen (”