How does the District determine its space requirements? by Randy Trani

How does the District determine its space requirements?

Space requirements for schools vary from state to state and there are different standards for elementary, middle and high schools. Factors considered in establishing a district’s space planning goals include: current space allocations by function, experienced and anticipated fluctuations in enrollment, projections of future space needs over time and standards used elsewhere. The district has gathered research from other places within Oregon as well as from other states. The district has also considered the existing space constraints and opportunities within our current building inventory, to arrive at sound space planning goals.

  Grade School Middle School High School District Office
Current Sq. Ft. Totals 47188


26611 (includes back gym space of 11k) 41548

(includes front gym and locker rooms 19,280)

Current Sq. Ft. per Student 106 102 100 n/a
Board Approved Minimums (sq. ft. per student) 120 135 180 n/a
Current Space Deficit Totals 6100 8139 33152 2000 (reserve)
Total Deficit Excluding Grade School: 43,291 sq. ft.

Here are some comparable school space scenarios within Oregon. The blue graph shows an overall enrollment comparison.

Blue graph










The green graph shows gross usable space for each school.

Green graph









The orange graph shows the average amount of space per student at each school.

Orange Graph










Here are some comparable figures from other states as well as two nearby communities. Corbett is on the lowest end of the ‘space per student’ range.

Source Non-Local Year Grade School Middle School High School
Sq. Ft/Student Sq. Ft/Student Sq. Ft/Student
North Dakota ? 120-220 120-150 160-200
New Jersey School Boards Association 1998 125 134 151
Board of Ed Massachusetts 2004 115 135 155-225
National Median from California DOE 2007 122 144 167
RIDE School Construction Regulations * 2007 166 190 205
Sate of Illinois ** 2010 120 140 160
Sandy High School 2012 221
NCIS Standards (Shared by Soderstrom Architecture Firm) 2012 110 120-150 160-200
Park Rose Middle School 2014 175
Non Local Average 133 149 182
Current Corbett 2015 117 102****** 134*******
* Rhode Island Includes Additional Sq. Ft. For Various Programs (not included here)
** Scale Slides Down as Population Increases
******With back gym space (11,929 sq feet) excluding district office (1100 sq. ft.)
******* With front gym, lockers, etc. (32,607 sq. ft.) Note: District Office Space/Maintenance/Tranportation Not Included in Any Average

The board also reviewed a resource called “The Guidelines for Square Footage Requirements for Educational Facilities” from the Georgia Department of Education Facilities Services Unit, 2012. In this document the state set a very extensive set of space guidelines which are broken down by much more specific space categories. It breaks out individual class rooms from ancillary spaces and common spaces such as: corridors, media rooms, gyms, music rooms, administration offices, bathrooms etc. Their formula is much more complicated than others but if you were to build a middle school to accommodate our students based upon their guidelines we would need to create about 45,000 square feet just for our middle school students on the main campus.  (Currently the middle school students have about 15,000 square feet of classroom space and 11,000 square feet of gym space.)

For more details see: