Ms. DiMaggio’s Class: Week 1 Complete!

Hello Room 15 Families!

Wow, we had a busy first week in Room 15! We spent time building our classroom community by getting to know each other through the Guess Who game and playing some name games during Morning Meeting. We also spent time doing some initial reading, writing, and math assessments, and playing some fun games in PE (Egg, Chicken, Dinosaur; Color Tag; Extreme Duck-Duck-Goose; Sharks and Minnows; and Zombie Tag)!

We read lots of books this week! Some books to help us get to know each other (First Day Jitters, Gingerbread Man Lose in the School, and The Important Book), some to help us set up safety and behavior rules for school (Manners on the Playground and Gloria and Officer Buckle), and some for fun (The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl). Ask your child which read aloud was their favorite this week!

We also spent time working on some cool self portraits, and I’m excited to finish these next week and put them on display! We also spent time learning about the Zones of Regulation and our classroom Calming Corner, where students can go to take a 5 minute break when they need to. Ask your child about the four Zones, and the tools they can use in the Calming Corner. All in all, I’d say we had a great first week getting back into the swing of school! We have a wonderful group of students, and I’m excited about the year of adventures in learning that we have in front of us!

Upcoming Events and Reminders
Buzz About Me Bags: You may have noticed the brown bag in your child’s black take home folder. Please help your child select 5 items that fit in the bag that will help our class learn more about your child, such as a favorite book, an award or trophy, a picture, a favorite T-shirt or souvenir. Please don’t send anything that is breakable or irreplaceable. Your child will present their items to the class next week, and bring the items home after.

Tie Dye Volunteers: The 2nd/3rd grade classes are looking for volunteers to come help us tie dye our field trip t-shirts on Monday 9/10. I will set up a volunteer request here on Bloomz, but feel free to message me before if you are available to come in to help us that day! Also, if you have not already done so, but are able to contribute towards the cost of the shirts, we are requesting $5 per student. Thanks for your contribution towards our fun field trip t-shirt!

OMSI Field Trip: Our first field trip of the year will be on Tuesday September 18th (8am-3pm) to start off our Space and Stars unit. We will be seeing a Planetarium show and visiting the labs and exhibits in Turbine Hall. Permission slips will go home next week, but if you’d like to chaperone you can reply to this email to let me know!

School Paperwork: Thanks to all the families who sent in their back-to-school paperwork! I will be sorting through all of the forms today, and I will send home forms next week if I’m missing any for your child.

Math Volunteers: If you are interested in helping with math this year, we always need volunteers during the following times:
Mornings (anytime between 8am-12pm) for help with grading math
Afternoons (1-2pm) During Math to help work with students, so if you would like to come in for either of those times please send me a message!

Bloomz App: Bloomz is the smartphone classroom app that I will be using to post weekly updates and photos and videos for our class. If you already have an account from last year, you can use the code below to add our new class: “Ms. DiMaggio’s Class 18-19″. You will receive quick updates and photos of class activities, be able to access our class calendar, sign up to volunteer, school conferences information, and more. All in a private and secure environment. Bloomz posts will also be emailed or texted to the email or phone number you use when setting up your account.

New Bloomz Parent
1. Download the “Bloomz” app from the AppStore/PlayStore and click “Create Account”. If using a web browser, go to and click on “Join Bloomz”
2. In the text box, enter YW5AA6
3. Create your account

Existing Bloomz Parent
1. Log into your Bloomz account
2. Click “+Add Class/Group” on the left navigation.
3. In the text box, enter YW5AA6
4. Click next to add class

Please let me know if you have any questions about our school year so far! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Labor Day!
Ms. DiMaggio