Good Afternoon,
This week:
- We continued personal narratives
- Writers learned to Dreaming the Dream of the story
- Editing for punctuation, complete sentences, and fluency
- Telling the story from the INSIDE – the perspective of the character in the story
- Writing well about reading
- Building stamina
- Chooses just right books
- Scholastic News – Hawaii Lava and its impact
- Observing salt crystals that we created from evaporating salt water
- Develop a procedure to separate a dry mixture of salt, powder and gravel.
- By Monday, you should have received an email from your child’s math teacher.
Genius Hour
- A wonderful opportunity to foster curious minds.
- Ask your child what they researched…some were quite interesting!
Tie Dye
- We will be tie dying our t-shirts on Thursday, September 13 at 8:00 am.
- Let me know if you can volunteer.
- Thanks for the $5 contribution toward the cost of the shirts and dye.
Zones of Regulation
- This year we are working on helping each child to have a visual representation of their emotions.
- We are developing ways to understand, recognize, monitor, and control our responses to what we feel.
Instagram Postings
- Here is the link to our private classroom Instagram.
- If you have a name that I might not recognize, please let me know so I will accept your request.
- I’ll be posting our Crazy Hair soon!