1/10 – Classroom Update


  • We wrapped up our Age of Exploration unit by having an important conversation about the slave trade. We’ll be studying Colonial America next.
  • We also finished our Journalism unit and shared our writing with Mrs. Davis’ middle school classroom. Please check backpacks for your student’s hard work! Our next unit will be on research-based arguments.
  • We enjoyed some word work this week by selecting words to analyze and create goals for 2019. It was fun reflective work.
  • I’ve posted a video & many more photo highlights on our class Instagram account.

Thank you:

  • Our writing celebration was a success because of the help of parents. Thank you: Izzy’s Mom, Lynn – Bella’s Mom, Lanell – Jay’s Mom, Missy – Kaleb’s Mom – Tami Cutler


  • Writers have spelling words again! We are going to start with the last list given. I have attached the words to this email (just in case the list did not make it home). Writers are tested on 10 random words from this list. They are now tested on Tuesdays.
  • Readers have a home reading log to track their reading. We talked about how important it is to read at home and how helpful it is when students log their reading. Students can fill it out their log at home OR they can fill it out when they arrive at school in the morning. Readers can access this log through our Google Classroom.

Important Dates:

  • Mon 1/21: No School, MLK Jr Day
  • Fri 1/25: Friday School
  • Mon 2/18: No School, Presidents Day
  • Fri 2/22: Friday School


  • Box Tops: The PTA is continuing to collect Box Tops for Education. A labeled jar is located in our classroom.
  • Try to join the PTA and participate in their meetings (corbettcardinalspta@gmail.com)