Reopen Plans and Guidelines

“A good plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed tomorrow.”  General George Patton

With meeting the metrics for K-3, approaching the metrics for rolling up into higher grades, and with the staff becoming immunized by early March, each of our four schools are making plans for bringing students back on campus, for academic or social activities. Each school is working with a team of certified and classified staff, parents, students (upper grades) and board members to develop the best plan, within the guidelines, for getting as many students on campus as quickly as we safely can. These plans will be presented at the board meeting February 17th, and will include welcoming all students onto our campuses, in some form, who want to return.

We cannot just do what makes the most sense to us; whatever plans are made must follow the guidance contained in “Ready Schools; Safe Learners,” which is linked below. This 91-page document outlines the over 160 requirements we must consider:

Dan Wold, Interim Superintendent