The Corbett School District School Board will hold a special board meeting at 7:30 in the Grade School Cafeteria. The purpose of the meeting will be for the board to determine if it will move forward with energy upgrades on the main campus. The district was contacted Monday by the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) with regard to the energy project that the district has been investigating for more than 6 months. ODOE advised the district that, because the district was scheduled to make a decision about this project at the next regularly scheduled board meeting on November 16th, that it would be in the best interest of the district if it made the decision prior to November 7th because interest rates associated with the SELP loan program are likely to go up after that date. Delaying even a few days could represent significant cost increase which is why this special meeting is necessary.
McKinstry industries has provided a guaranteed energy saving performance contract to the district for this project. McKinstry guarantees a level of energy savings based upon the energy upgrades. The money we save on the energy upgrades(based on current energy prices) will pay the entire cost of the loan (about $50,000 per year for 15 years) and provide an average of $16,000 positive cash to the district over the next 15 years. A copy of the energy saving performance contract can be seen by clicking here. Corbett Board Package – 11-3-2011[2]
It should be noted that the district is already spending this money. Currently these dollars are being spent on oil and electricity. We can reroute these dollars to purchase new equipment, significantly upgrade the learning environment, and provide a positive cash flow to the district.