A spring break update by Phil Pearson

Today our daughter ELie went to soccer practice. It was a lovely day, sunny and 60 degrees. On Wednesday we had a snow day! I really can’t predict what the weather will do next. Fortunately, I think I have a handle on at least some of the things that will happen next in our school community:

Principal’s Chat
Mrs. Luna and I will be hosting the 7th MS/HS principal’s chat of the year (we were, you guessed it SNOWED OUT of the one in March). The principal’s chat will happen at 8am in the MS/HS admin office. We’ve really enjoyed these chances to hear from parents and community members. Please come on by if you can.

AP Testing
AP tests start in early May. Preparation hits a fever pitch in April for our HS students.

About a decade ago, Corbett School District decided to not pursue certification through any of the accreditation outfits in our area. In view of the post-secondary experiences Corbett students have been able to pursue in the last 10 years, these decision to not pursue certification was probably a good one. However, times change and so staff, working under the direction of Randy, have been revisiting the subject. Watch board minutes, the web site, or drap Randy a line for updates.

College Visitation Trip
On May 21, Mrs. Luna and I will be leading a two-day overnight trip to visit 4 Oregon Universities (OSU, UO, WOSC, SOSC). Cost to students will be minimal- probably $10 plus food. If your student is interested drop us a call at 503-2610-4209 or email us at ppearson@corbett.k12.or.us.

Spring Sports
Spring sports have started, which is great. The weather, however, has not been very outdoor sports like. Thanks to all involved for your flexibility as JP works hard to re-schedule contests as the rain/wind/snow/meteor showers/Godzilla attacks play unpredictable tricks on us.

And One More Thing . . .
I won’t steal their thunder here, but the Corbett Boosters posted a banner year once again at their Red and Black fundraiser. My wife Angela had to stay home to care for our daughter who got a little fever that night, but I got to go and it was great as usual. Way to go!