Harvest of the Month Program by DeeDee Hanes

Welcome back! This year in the Corbett School District, we will be serving a different local fruit or vegetable every month of the school year, using resources available from the Oregon Department of Education’s Oregon Harvest for Schools program. We know that the cafeteria can be an extension of the classroom, where students learn the healthy habits necessary for academic readiness and success. We also know that buying local foods is one way that our school can support local farms and our local economy. Plus, fresher food just tastes better!


September’s local food item in school lunch is tomatoes. Did you know that tomatoes are actually a fruit? They are served and prepared as a vegetable, but because they have seeds in them, they are the fruit part of the plant. Oregon tomatoes are usually available between July and September, and they are quick and easy to include in meals. Some suggestions: toss chopped red and yellow tomatoes with your family’s favorite dressing for a quick and tasty salad, add tomato slices to sandwiches, or just eat cherry tomatoes as a tasty snack that kids will love. Check out the lunch menu to see when we’ll be serving local tomatoes!

Please visit http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/h4s for more information and resources.