August 9, 2012
Bus Service from the Troutdale area by Lori Luna
Corbett School District will provide a bus from the Troutdale Dairy Queen Parking Lot for our students who live out…
May 16, 2012
The Columbia Gorge Art Festival by Lori Luna
The Columbia Gorge Art Festival is here this weekend! Every year seems to bring a bigger and better event. Please…
May 4, 2012
Corbett Arts Program with Spanish at Springdale – Information by Lori Luna
Corbett Arts Program with Spanish at Springdale CAPS We are excited to announce CAPS, the new program option for…
April 13, 2012
Corbett Arts Program at Springdale – CAPS by Lori Luna
The Corbett School Board has voted to move ahead with plans to open Springdale School in the fall of 2012….
March 16, 2012
Thoroughly Modern Millie by Clare Dearixon by Lori Luna
CCTPRESENTS THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE Corbett Children’sTheater (CCT) proudly presents Thoroughly Modern Millie: March 22nd – 7:00 pm March 23rd –…
August 31, 2011
School Phone Numbers by Lori Luna
Please note that Corbett School District telephone numbers have been changed. They were changed in June, but the new Reliance…
August 31, 2011
Welcome! by Lori Luna
Corbett Schools and Corbett Charter School (CCS) are pleased to welcome numerous new staff members to Corbett Schools and CCS….